Many people say that you never know how much a person can love until they become a parent. And while we may be biased, we think it’s true. That appreciation and love for our children are undeniable – and something any mum would appreciate!
So in the spirit of appreciation (and because Father’s Day is coming up) we thought we’d share with you 11 things dads do that make mums swoon.
Lately, I’ve been trying to take a step back for a minute or two each day to watch my partner-in-crime with our kids. It’s so easy to overlook how GOOD he is with our two boys. I am all rush-rush-rush to get through the daily chores, while he is more of a relaxed dude who just seems to take parenting in his stride.
Taking some time to really appreciate all the things my kids’ daddy does is making me swoon all over again and high-five myself for choosing this guy as their father.
I asked some of my mum’s friends what stuff melts their hearts too and here’s what we came up with.
1. When he changes a nappy like he’s on Entertainment Tonight
My husband is a pretty funny guy at the best of times, but nothing compares to when he’s changing my son’s nappy. There are silly faces, tickles, crazy voices and all I can hear is my little guy cracking up in hysterics. Go, nappy-changing dad!

2. When he holds bub like she’s a teeny tiny football
There’s something about a big, bristly daddy bear holding his cub. Our babies never look smaller than when they’re snuggled in the loving arms of their father.
3. When he gets up to the baby without prompting
I know sleep resentment is a bit of an issue between couples when there are young children in the house *puts up a hand. So any time he gets out of bed without being asked or nudged to settle bub in the middle of the night, just makes us fall a bit more in love with our man.
4. When he rumbles with the kids right when you need a break
You know the moments I’m talking about. You’re trying to make dinner or send an email when dad takes it upon himself to distract the kids with a floor rumble, and you no longer exist in the eyes of your whining children. It’s like an incredible magic trick!
5. When he dons his nurse hat
Is there anything more heart-meltingly sweet than watching your child’s daddy carefully place a Band-aid on their “owie”? Nurse dad for the win.
6. When you ask him to get milk and he picks up wine too
Or chocolate. To be enjoyed after the kids have finally gone to bed and you can laugh about the fact that your day consisted of a poo explosion at the supermarket, driving aimlessly for two hours during nap time, and cooking a dinner your toddler refused to eat.
7. When he has your back when disciplining the kids
“Hey, you listen to what Mummy is asking. Stop that. OK, I’m packing up the train tracks because you aren’t listening and doing what your mother has asked.” United parenting is where it’s at but I also love it when my sons’ dad follows through with ‘consequences’ so I don’t have to.
8. When he explains something complex so simply
My partner has a knack for explaining all sorts of things to my sons in a way they just understand. He gets down to their level, he draws them little pictures, he answers their questions and he makes sure they understand what he’s told them. It’s pretty impressive.
9. When he does all the voices in the storybook
Reading dad is just the best! Not only does he give us a break when we need it most (usually at the end of a long, tiring day) but hearing him bung on all the different character voices is just the sweetest thing!

10. When he sings bub to sleep
I don’t know if it’s the vibration of his deep voice or the soothing tune he’s singing, but I love how my babies will always fall asleep on their daddy’s chest when he sings softly to them.
11. When he naps with your baby
Ah, swoon! Don’t you just want to bottle the feeling you get when you see your tiny baby curled up asleep on her daddy’s snoring chest? Beautiful.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading our 11 things dads do that make mums swoon with appreciation and love!
Now go get yourself a coffee, because it’s been a long day. 💕