A lot of people have strong opinions on celebrity baby names, and it’s usually not a positive opinion. People are critical about the names they choose for their children, so when celebrities get involved in this practice, things can get really ugly. People shared their most disliked celebrity baby names and we understand why.
When a Mumsnet parenting forum user admitted she had some seriously unresolved feelings about a particular celebrity baby name, the floodgates opened and other parents began sharing similar beef.
People have very strong feelings about giving children names that might prove challenging or attract teasing. Here are the ones that most passionately ticked them off …
Most disliked celeb baby names
One mum started the thread by revealing she’s been struggling with an issue for what must have seemed like an eternity: “After all these years, to still wonder why you’d call your child … Romeo!” She prompted others to share their own least favorite celebrity names and they complied.

“Apple is just as bad,” someone else asserted, taking a firm dig at actor Gwyneth Paltrow and her ex, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

George or Georgette
“George Foreman,” another mum wrote. “George is such a normal name until you call 5 of your sons George and a daughter Georgette – now that’s an ego!” She’s completely spot-on, of course. What WAS George thinking?!

“The actor Jason Lee (from My Name is Earl) named his son Travesty!” a shocked and disapproving forum user wrote. “It’s still by far the worst name I’ve heard any celebrity name their child. He’s got to be a teenager now, I’d love to know what he thinks of his name.”
Someone else kicked off singling out the Kardashian kids: “North West has to be the worst one. Either they were high, or they didn’t think it through.”
Rocket and Racer
More rockets, this time in the sibling company of young Racer: “Lara Bingle and Sam Worthington called their children Rocket Zot Worthington and Racer Worthington!” a person posted. They’re not into this, to be clear, and put these names on a par with Romeo.
Another commenter got all “back in the day” revealing that Michael Jackson was tip-top of her bad baby-namers list: “I could never get my head around Blanket,” she wrote sadly.
“[Romeo] quite reasonable compared to Rocket Ayer, child of Pharrell Williams,” another person wrote. We have to say we don’t mind Rocket, but we respect her thoughts.
Sunnie, Herbie and Teddie
“I think Laurel from [the TV show] Emmerdale wins an award for the names her 3 children have. Sunnie, Herbie, and her first daughter named… Teddie Boo Florence!”
People have very strong feelings about giving children names that might prove challenging or attract teasing. Here are the ones that most passionately ticked them off …
People shared their most disliked celebrity baby names and we understand People have very strong feelings about giving children names that might prove challenging or attract teasing. Here are the ones that most passionately ticked them off …
when a Mumsnet parenting forum user admitted she had some seriously unresolved feelings about a particular celebrity baby name, the floodgates opened and other parents began sharing similar beef.