Work And Finance

Click to buy! Why we can’t resist indulging in an online shopping splurge

The demand for online shopping has obviously increased since COVID-19 restrictions were put in place. But less obvious are the subtle psychological drivers behind our collective online shopping splurge. In fact, online shopping can relieve stress, provide entertainment and offers the reduced “pain” of paying…

Work And Finance

COVID-19 is a disaster for working mums – and work from home is not the answer

When COVID-19 hit, some commentators hailed it as an opportunity to revolutionise gender roles in heterosexual couples. But as public life froze overnight and homes became schools, daycare centres and offices, mothers have been placed under more pressure, not less. Our new study on workers in the United States…

Work And Finance

Nooooo! 13 random thoughts all working mums have when the alarm goes off

No matter whether we were night owls or up with the birds in our pre-baby lives, odds are that if we’ve got small people in the household right now, we’ll be struggling to get out of bed most mornings. This is never truer than when…

Work And Finance

Why Aussie families need changes to ‘dad leave’ to give greater gender equality

Grattan Institute research published today shows the average 25-year-old woman who goes on to have a child can expect to earn A$2 million less by the time she is 70 than the average 25-year-old man who becomes a father. For childless women and men, the lifetime gap…

Work And Finance

I discovered the true cost of trying to balance it all and it wasn’t working

In 2017 I was privileged to be appointed as Executive Director of Communications at the Peter Mac Cancer Centre, an internationally recognised brand doing amazing things for the community. As one of eight women out of 10 on the leadership team, the organisation had an…

Work And Finance

Welcome to the new parenting reality in lockdown: ‘zigzag working’

All parents work. The difference lies in the breakdown between their paid and unpaid workloads.  But during COVID-19 lockdowns, many working parents have had to conduct their paid work – usually done in the workplace – at home. Personally, professionally and geographically, this is new territory —…

Work And Finance

Gender stereotypes may be keeping girls away from the highest paying jobs

Gender stereotypes begin in early childhood. Bright pink ‘toys for girls’ and blue ‘toys for boys’ are sold on store shelves around the world. In the boys’ section you’ll find science, construction and warfare toys — perhaps a motorised robot, or a telescope. In the girls’ lane…

Baby Health

Childhood illnesses that make you glad to be an adult

One of the truly testing parts of parenthood is having to deal with the kinds of illnesses and health complications which adults don’t normally fall prey to. Kids seem to be magnets for the kind of bugs and viruses that most of us fortunately haven’t…

Baby Health

Achoo! How to prevent the dreaded snotty cold in your home this winter

Winter is coming … and so are the colds! Snotty noses, fevers and coughs can be really hard for babies and young kids (and their parents). So how do you avoid them? Here are our top tips for managing colds in your family this flu…

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